STOP acting like Gora Hunter- become an KaalBhairav

Gora by definition according to , ' Gora (racial epithet), or gaura , a Hindi and Indo-Aryan word for Europeans or a light-skinned person'. Those Englishmen who did't like sanity to prevail with trophy hunting and culling of indigenous tribesman and clans in name of spreading civilization. Not meant to hurt general English population. The context is when colonization was at its ugly peak- when british empire was on its mad streak to lay arms on New world. So for god forsaken India's sake; who if not a criminal deranged mind would go about shooting hapless dogs for unknown and unexplainble reasons.......local power yielding men who take on avatars of saviour on frivolous complaints of 'Dog menace'. Ho God, did you mean Dog Nope i actually meant GOD in DOG. Dog is a Deity in Hindu Mythology a vahana for Lord Bhairav guarding Lord Shiva. Lord Indra had a guardian Dog Sarama similarly Yama had ferocio...