Peeved Supreme Court- Does it hurt That much!!!!!

Yes i was pleasantly awakened to a 'BOLD' article on Supreme court's(Vacation bench's) style of functioning and what impact it has on general Litigant's mood in TOI.

Yes its Bold(True) & Beautiful(that's disputable)............................................

Let's defend BOLD First-

The Sr. reporter in the eye of the storm is Dhananjay Mahapatra. The article mentions many areas of neglect which is normally not to be observed in the corridors of Country's topmost Judiciary.

Consider few lapses here and there but overall why is it always considered Blasphemy to question Honble Supreme Court's Moral guardians- their Judges; GOD reserves the right to be pleaded for mercy/ pardon and anything which cleanses Human fallacies.

I am no good at judicative of the point at hand, but i feel its the openness in discussing few issues like being on time to the proceedings/ if a Judge stays back late in hearing cases make provisions to delay later day's proceedings/ appreciate a Judge who takes his personal time out in hearing people's grievances and much more.

Why shroud everything in secrecy in name of something highly untouchable or irreproachable  this makes Indian judiciary seem like a Zeus seated on top of Mt. Olympus.

Of late i have realised the importance of Being BOLD when confronting Hallowed zones of governance/ Judiciary. This does not mean gherao them or raising slogans or even false propaganda but reasoning why things do not MOVE in India?

Judiciary has been BOLD on its own terms- recent cases which perplexes me-

  1. A chennai High Court Judge- bans a movie saying it criticises certain section of the community- actually the movie was rated as 'A' by censor board or to be precise a soft porn movie.
          Now what makes a Judge decide which is good for society and which is not. He has reportedly expressed displeasure that why portray a community in bad light in such a name. I wonder what makes the Judge competent to certify a film; then why Censor Board or for that matter people's discretion. Yes the case was brought to his notice by some goody goody lawyer- god knows How good is this lawyer's intention. My reaction was absolute frustration. For what- i am being said what to watch and what not to watch...................tomorrow all movies will be lined up before High courts and Supreme Courts for their supreme thoughts. In my lowest thinking screening Bhakta Prahalada or Veera Abhimanyu will not make a society GOOD.

Next instance a Judge tells Government of India regulate Porn content on websites and webpages????????? Yes the esteemed Judge wanted lesser rape cases on roads and streets................a quick fix..........................

On both instances- Judges missed the idea- they are not BOLD but STIFLING- a land with customs, religions and moral values is a self regulating mechanism- one does not carry a stick or ban things to elevate society from the trash.

Kindly understand values start from home- the values next get inculcated and cannot be created- if you ban a soft porn movie and also encourage drunkenness through wine shops- what have you balanced. 

By meaning encourage- has one Judge spoken his mind on growing culture of alcoholism in the state and country- In Andhra a NGO is working day and night in identifying children falling prey to alcoholism. Growing crimes against own daughters and wife's even without Porn being televised/ have any judges taken note of criminalising of Politics to the extent of goondas becoming MP's/ MLA's....................

Sasi Perumal aiyaa had to wait for permission to conduct fast in city against Alcoholism and above that bundled into ambulance for fasting- which magistrates or designated authorities refuse while for a cheer girls scantily clad women propagated matches are allowed.

Political buffoonery on roads late in evening putting people to inconvenience are allowed- a man spent his life and energy filing PIL's Traffic Ramaswamy is pushed from pillar to roads for a public cause when his sacrifice is more uplifting than Judges spending few more hours hearing litigants. Yes he is no ordinary man yet no selfish money motive individual.

 Have any judges questioned why in India alone the pendency of cases runs to lakhs every year and people waiting for justice die in the process..........have you sat on dharna against politicians asking for more transparency in Judges selection process- State governments of the day have misused and abused certain law provisions in seeking vengeance against their adversaries-  a norm in any Indian political drama- have you spoken against that...............Governments have willfully opened the pandora's box on Genetically modified organisms into Indian food cycle have you questioned that...................................

Children dying from malnutrition in Indian state's surplus food production era- have you ever held a CM accountable for those deaths- Have you questioned that- Old age pensioners- bureaucrats killing their time and chilling their bodies with people's money- corruption- have you taken any logical conclusion to cases of corruption against offenders- Have you questioned that- What have you done to road rage and drunken driving cases- have any insane drunk devil been given gallows for mowing down sleeping poor labourers - Have you questioned that..............................WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN SO MANY YEARS? many questions to be asked and you are worried about someone harming your reputation.

Consumer redressal forums- i hear cases were filed in 2002 and judgment pronounced NOW have you questioned this DELAY- i term it gross delay.  In that case the man suffered mental agony at that moment- what happens now after 11 years- he DIES & becomes NUMB to agony.

A child has passed away in Chennai due to open Manhole- his grandfather was petrified about a no fault of his when a child playfully fell into open manhole- I ask Judiciary WHO has been Booked for Negligence/ Who will face the Gallows for Negligence/ Who will pay for a life taken so early/ It's no coincidence My Lord its pure Negligence and utter disregard for People's safety- I ask you My Lord can i expect the Commissioner of Corporation stripped of his duties and remanded to Prison & blacklist the contractor and cancel all his dues and compensate the family- HAVE YOU SPOKEN FOR THIS BOY?

What would happen to a man thinking to even approaching a court to seek relief from injustice?. Uhmmmm a litigant with money and time can buy justice not a poor old consumer or father or farmer or Indian citizen.

I sign atleast 2 petitions of hapless fathers trying to find answers for their daughters plight- acid attack victims: attackers yet to be traced in Maharashtra- Have YOU Questioned That..........................more worried about porn................................educationists world over are asking their counterparts in schools to discuss and understand the adolescence while you question its morality.....................

Stories are abound that elections are being fixed so whom i go for justice- electronic ballots can be manipulated is what i see in the discussion forums of IAC- i do not disbelief yet i do not act as if everything is beautiful. Have you got up to question this process?

When Congressmen were marauding innocent sikhs in Delhi and Modi's administration was deflowering the hapless Muslims where has your VOICE GONE YOUR HONOUR..........................

Leave the ever burgeoning humans- we are born to procreate even when GOD has given us some sense to exercise restraint/ Has judiciary shown some thought to depleting forest cover- has it taken to task the eye wash of Forest officials in planting trees or improving tree cover- If i file a case against the Forest official if guilty would he be punished? All are questions stuck in mid throat......................................Today my brave friends Dawnji, Mahendranji and 2 others bravely fought 10 Narikuruvas hunting down exotic birds in a lake near Ambattur.....................when we apprehend one culprit with gun and bring to nearest police station- the station disputes the case and later transfers the culprit to Forest department.......................Now what does forest department do...................I leave it to one's imagination..........................................What Law done to fasten the conviction to this guilty Narikuruva??????????????????

World is much perverted MY LORD- an instance, a friend of mine had apprehended a IT professional having unnatural sex with a Cow's calf; what does Police & lawyer do they offer my friend bribe to shut his the IT professional is morally stinking and culturally unfit as he has not imbibed Indian values...........................or misunderstood Indian culture.

Now The beautiful- yes

How Mahapatra had presented this is questionable. He could have added few legal luminaries opinion if coming late to a sitting is a prerogative of the Judge of the day or just a customary ritual. Like TV talk show where drop of pin is given a prime time coverage.

Beautiful can also be in playful mentioning of Judiciaries age old practices borrowed from British system which looks tard too royal and highly officious to many in their discharge of duties.

I have nothing against judiciary but as a simple citizen of India i FEAR going to courts with all my dignity stripped by politicians, local tahsildhar, Corporation official, MLA, MP, Government of the day- what do i hold to show my honourable Judge that i am victimised when you from a tallest pedestal fix a date to examine my case when even my self esteem stops me into venturing into your presence.

This is the land which produced legal luminaries like Krishna Iyer/ Justice Verma/ Justice Chandru/ Judges who had stood their ground against false campaigns.

One is held in contempt when he or she is unreasonable and unsubstantiated but i feel vexed that to see common man being let down royally and also being charged CONTEMPT to so and so..........................

"In a democracy, people have the right to criticise judges. Why then should there be a Contempt of Court Act, which to some extent prevents people from criticising the judiciary?” remarked Justice Markandey Katju

Former CJI adds, 'An upright judge will hardly ever need to use the contempt power. A judge should have the equanimity and inner strength to remain unperturbed in any situation.'

He further notes, “A judge is not bound to take action for contempt, even if contempt has, in fact, been committed.”

Justice Katju's quotes taken from- viewed on 19th June 2013.

As on Yesterday 9th July 2013, Honourable Supreme Court has taken to task Government of India for having neglected the Bruised faces of our young girls by acid attacks. Court has shown the way, will Government of India act?. 'Regulate Acid sales or else we set the rules'- says Supreme Court.


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