STOP acting like Gora Hunter- become an KaalBhairav

Gora by definition according to, 'Gora (racial epithet), or gaura, a Hindi and Indo-Aryan word for Europeans or a light-skinned person'.

Those Englishmen who did't like sanity to prevail with trophy hunting and culling of indigenous tribesman and clans in name of spreading civilization. Not meant to hurt general English population. The context is when colonization was at its ugly peak- when british empire was on its mad streak to lay arms on New world.

So for god forsaken India's sake; who if not a criminal deranged mind would go about shooting hapless dogs for unknown and unexplainble reasons.......local power yielding men who take on avatars of saviour on frivolous complaints of 'Dog menace'.

Ho God, did you mean Dog Nope i actually meant GOD in DOG. Dog is a Deity in Hindu Mythology a vahana for Lord Bhairav guarding Lord Shiva. Lord Indra had a guardian Dog Sarama similarly Yama had ferocious guardian dogs. For more reading on dogs.........

How did dog menace emanate in the first place, certainly not a Maoist trick as and when a anti-maoist person would portray as or a opposition partymen's scheme of things.........never knew partymen would go about in 'NAI VANDIS' catching dogs..........

People love things cute, love things cuddly, love things which suck their feet, love things which licks their what basically people love things which makes them feel like KING and a feel like a patron saint oozing with compassion for animals small and cute. As animals grow they become Ugly, ungainly, shabby, itching, scabby and whatever and what not.......

Next leading question why do animals become like a NO sense slave and not take care for themselves..........of course animals know how to groom, become less shabby and much more when in natural environments but people put them in air conditioned jails, no mingling with other animals aka isolation wards, learn human language with before duty and after work hour classes- at tutor's convenience- some owners proudly proclaim our dog speaks Marathi, Telugu too (the owner of the pet, never ever walked on a muddy path or a leaf litter covered pavement- just the rugs, carpets of the marble titles homes or high walled villas)- eventually ending up like the master- big/ fat/ clumsy, next food whatever master throws and nibbles at- forgetting the natural food intake-Indian dogs Sambar rice, curd rice, Munch, kitkat and what not- never even think what hell it would mean for a Chinese owned dog gets to EAT#@#$@#$$%

Given so many conditioning happening to dogs while they are pets; they become literal spoon fed over-aged Mumbo. in actual terms a 40 year old being told not to wet his pants. 

Believe it or not, the cutest of child is no more cute when an adult but we do not discard this cute-less adult. We turn reverse gear in case of pet animals. Once they grow and become BIG the pet owner realizes the responsibility of caring for pets and silently gets resigned to the fact that this is not my CUTE LITTLE PET any more. he or she gets to leave them on streets, The same pet which invoked thousands of sweet named things now is left to fend for itself.

No cat or Dog is born stray, it begins from OUR homes. Not every pet owner is branded this way, its just a common phenomenon among city else you get to see a Pomeranian making friend with mongrels?????? 

Now the killing or culling part. Narikuravars are the official culling squad in cities and outskirts for deranged culprit keen to wiping the stray dogs out of the face of EARTH. Narikuravars are increasingly used indiscriminately rather than productively for culling of stray dogs. They possess license to shoot animals under certain laws which does not entail hunting endangered and other conservation animals.(more about them - )  Politicians and people in power have begun to extract these nomadic tribe's services for their ill intentions. The instances which I came across are a disturbing trend, culling dogs in the name of helping society from stray dog menace.

Stray dogs are our creation, hence kindly do not play YAMA taking lives of hapless animals. To contain stray dog menace one has to empathize with those animals. How and Why they have ended up and humane measures to control stray has to think before acting.

Even as i am writing this killings continue............with much glee as conviction is abysmal..................but awareness has become high which has made people stand up against such cruelty. But things get overboard when learned HIGH SOCIETY indulges in such acts few examples a college principal orders dogs to be shot in his campus/ A elected councillor shoots down neighbour's dogs in a fit of rage/ a Judicial member connives to protect the perpetrator of dog killing in name of protecting society as he pressures police to not register complaint......................against all these odds few blessed souls fight for animal rights.....................

STOP being Yama and try being Buddha; enjoy life and care for our trusted four footed friend. Be it cat/ dog or any other pet  or stray animal.

Credits-- Images







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