Self confessed Leader in a Hurry! Arvind Kejriwal

Going by his all to dramatic looks and contrived statements Arvind has very well entered big time political games.

Welcome to Great Indian Tamasha, what makes this even more dull and morose is same script being re-written on a soiled page called Post Independent Indian Politics. Chapter 3 Post reforms era.

What are other two? Indian politiks makes for a beautiful naming saga; Chapter 1 Nehruvian era lots of colonial era magic and start of dynastic blunder; while Chapter 2 shall be Nehru's doing- Indira and Black days of '77 followed up with colourless 80's.

Arvind seems to have used the Annaji's face and Topi very well; had he been on the creative board of Saatchi and Saatchi he would have earned in not less than 6 digit figures in dollars alas he has chosen a wrong platform and terribly wrong man furthermore a terribly wrong time.

India is looking for a stable party which does not play dirty with coal and have cry babies like Mamta; thugs like Alagiri and Ransom goons like Yadav's so BJP would in all fit the bill as next best. If not what about fledgling parties like Lok Satta under former bureaucrat Dr. JP. I have personally been associated with Lok Satta for less than a year and i am seeing the sincerity in their work in addressing however serious or difficult a issue in their state; in this case Tamilnadu.

Like Lok Satta there are very many small entities which have continued to work tirelessly in people's welfare while our former Indian Civil servant has tirelessly worked to work on his image. As a commoner: I have been contributing to social change in my small way without a iota of limelight let alone on a small platform on which i serve but a man who jumps on a corrupt netas acts must entrench himself in serving people before looking for Ghaddi.

He does not make a good neta in many counts- be it his oratorical skills; ability to connect with masses which Baba Ramdev atleast has got some yoga tricks to gather thousands what does Arvind ji have?

One builds reputation by leading life by example; as is case with Anna Hazare; Kiran Bedi during her upright tenure and even Aruna Roy- Arundhati Roy- Medha Patkar- Krishnammal Jegannathan- Vandana Shiva for their social steadfastness.

Can Arvind Kejriwal give a Bio data to justify he is man of the masses apart from Innumerable fasts and Bhashans on various platforms............................

I would not be surprised Arvind aligning with lesser evils on the national stage and thereby shaming a civil society movement which has so far been away from dirty politics.

One thing which he can sincerely do is take up the role of information campaign on vital issues like FDI, Nuclear energy, poor accountability on public reforms and work with tandem with civil society.


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