CSS Anniversary Celebrations Preparations

05 July 2009 Meeting Venue- Balaji Residence- 3.30pm

Chair- N Sathish Kumar
1. Action 2020 update- attended by Tiru and Priya organised at IIT, Chennai
  • education was given primary importance
  • need to document any activity or event for better reporting and presentation to general audience
  • all activities must be mapped to objective achieved or success rate analysis

2. Gramudharan Visit

  • The gramudharan team had visited Vayalur today and two teams took up the responsibilities one was sports team by Pradeep and Swaminathan Sir for game of cricket, the ground is being readied for more proper games
  • the other team visited the hous eof lady ffected by breast cancer to deliver 5 tins of milk powder- 4 teams were sponsored by VIDIYAL
  • Lata had also visited the Irula households and distributed 7 sets of notebooks and goemetry set for the children
  • Dr. Ashwin will be coordinating with Saveetha Medical college for a health camp at Vayalur some time in 2nd week of August

3. Anniversary Action Plan

  • VENUE- confirmation tomorrow after visiting Queen Mary's College by Sathish and Team
  • MEDICAL TEAM- Dr. Ashwin shall coordinate with VHS for assisting us in blood camp
  • The second link in case VHS does not materialise is Dr. MGR Medical University- Venkat- with Mr. Vivekanandar
  • Chief Guests- a student with gift of talent to try new art craft to encourage such talent, Nirmal of Exnora, Sarath Babu of Food King, from Laurence Trust- Mr. Laurence, Saveetha Medical College- Dean- all are tentatively shortlisted
  • CSS Presentation- team comprises of Priya, Varshitha, Shruthi and Dr. Ashwin
  • All latest updates from various teams must forard those details to presentation team
  • VENUE READINESS- need a projector with screen in case of press meet, badgs for volunteers, guest sign book, signature campaign cloth collage, snacks, lunch for volunteers, sign boards for blood donors and Do's and Dont's of blood donation
  • SNACKS&LUNCH- Balaji, Jeetu and Lata- only for volunteers
  • DONORS- expected 200
  • Volunteer Badges- Aruna and Priya
  • Prayer Song- Shruthi & Archana
  • MARKETING & PUBLICITY- Monisha Ergo- Sathish, Timesof India- Kamini Mathai- Sathya Sir/ Sathish, Deccan Chronicle- Pramila- Tiru; The Hindu- Madhumathi/ Rajni- Sathish/ Satish; Malaimalar- Vasanth- Lata; Local Dailies- Bala Saraswathy; NDTV Hindu- Praveen- Venkat; WIN TV- Balaji; MOP Vaishnav- Radio service- Nethra; BIGFM- Jeetu; Radio Mirchi- Aruna; Harish- Vijay TV- Venkat; Press Club-Lata
  • Fax & Mails- Satish Bonthu- all radio, Television and Newsprint services on confirmation of complete schedule
  • COLLATERALS- posters, mass mailers- content- Satish; Creative- Balaji
  • VENUE PERMISSION- Permission letter to police and fire services- Satish
  • EXTERNAL TARGET LOCATIONS- Colleges, Corporates, Shopping malls, Coffee day, Shruthi Musicals, NIIT, Talwalker
  • ONLINE- commumities like action 2020 bikers fraternity
  • GOODIES- momentoes and T-shirts to be given to the press and guests of honour
  • FELICITATIONS- Visually challenged students can be handed over their scholarship kit
  • Volunteer costume- white


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