CSS MOM- 19th July 2009

CSS Weekly Meet- Pre-Anniversary celebrations discussions- Park area, Nungambakkam
19th July 2009- 4.00pm
Week's Updates
  1. VScribe scribing on track at PSBB school require more volunteers- 2nd week of the scribing session
  2. Aravanaippu arranged for a birthday celebration at TNagar with kids from a nearby orphanage in the city
  3. Pradeep and Swami sir visited the village for sports training today
  4. Lata has posted a requirement for more milk tins for the child whose mother is suffering from Breast cancer
  5. Lata will follow up with Village panchayat team to help the lady suffering withcancer to be given work on compassionate grounds; and also speak to Tiru to get details on CHES supporting children afflicted by AIDS
  6. Video shoot for anniversary celebrations is completed with ECG and RSG content
  7. The queen Marys college students requirement freezed

Anniversary Celebrations updates-

  • The chief guests have been confirmed- Naresh Gupta, Capt. Nandkumar, Singer Malathi, Mr. Poros, Mr Rajagopal, Venkat's Mom.
  • Nirmal to be contacted tomorrow by Satish at his office- inivitation for anniversary celebrations
  • 25th Press Meet at Press Club- Banner for the event-Sathish
  • the brochures will be ready for distribution at press meet- 30 nos.- Sathish
  • Visitors sign book- Venkat
  • All BOD's carry their business cards
  • Snacks to be arranged by Balai, Jeetu- Samosa, sweet

Anniversary celebrations- Saturday/ Sunday-26th July

  1. Getting the venue ready- sign boards and volunteer badges- as A, B, and C
  2. Banner to be tied, tables and chairs to be arranged
  3. The screen with audio system to be provided by Sathya Sir
  4. Laptop and handy cam to record the video- Jeetu
  5. The lamp to be provided is Lata- Nos. 2
  6. Reception team- Bala, Nethra, Divya, Aruna- Volunteer team A- fill in donor details
  7. Prayer Song- Thara, Sruthi and Baa- Tamil Thai Vazhlthu
  8. Volunteer badges-Aruna and Vasu
  9. Charts/sign boards- Pramod, Aruna
  10. Priya in charge of segragating volunteers as A, B and C with badges
  11. Team B- incharge of Blood donation and donor ushering including filling up of forms
  12. Team C- Chief Guest ushering, Press and guest of honour
  13. Banners at Venue- Huge CSS 8x3 banner; 2 Redrops banner and ECG Psoter- 1
  14. Check avalilability of toilets and water
  15. Snacks at the venue- tea to be provided by Pradeep's dad- 90946 53424
  16. Red drops certificate content- Satish- 100 numbers definite content while remaining to be filled in- event details; printing- sathish
  17. The visiting hospital will carry the refreshments for donors
  18. Radio, TV and newsprint media write ups- Satish
  19. Presentation to be re-checked- Satish
  20. Permission letter to fire and police departments
  21. Balaji- design mass mailers
  22. Volunteers to approach colleges- Jagadish, Jayanthi and Mahesh- for corporate clients
  23. Some more to approach radio channels for the announcement on blood camp
  24. The last event of the day is cake cutting

The preparations followup-

  1. the main event will start at 9.20 am; people present on dias are Venkat's mom, Malathi, Capt. Nandkumar and Nirmal to be confirmed
  2. followed by the launch of SMS-a-Sapling and video launch.
  3. after starting of blood camp, we will have our teams presenting the slides. after which Naresh Gupta would join us.


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