2018 holds promise for Thamizhlan

It's been a tumultuous year minus nature's fury except for missing fishermen of Kanyakumari district due to Cyclone Ockhi. the exception meant destruction caused on land. Cyclone Ockhi was ferocious enough to scare a humble fishermen but the lackadaisical authorities continue to play truant on the issue. i am more concerned about Tamilnadu than rest of India, because Tamilnadu and few other Non Hindi speaking states are thrown a challenge called Saffronisation. Until now i am still not convinced how much this saffron party's surge will affect our daily life including the fabric of society. Yes sporadic disturbing incidents occurred across BJP ruled states which is hard to explain, given their brute majority in most states they oath to maintain law and order with utmost sincerity yet they continue to go behind non hindus in name of cow, movies, customs, and way of life. Now back to Tamilnadu, with end of Jayalalitha and near curtains down on Karunanidhi, Tamilnadu p...