2014- a quest for an able leader to guide Tamilnadu

True this would be a defining moment for elections 2014, What? If people get to vote the candidate they love to see govern(not rule) the country.

Why So?

Tell me; which 'other' constituency has voted for a candidate with such minority that the candidate has gone to represent the electorate. When i say 'Other' it means possible scenarios-

1.      A candidate chosen to represent his or her constituency by polling maximum number of votes- Say A polled 25 votes, B polled 10 votes, C polled 5 votes. Total votes polled 40 votes. UHmmmmmm 60 people did not vote. This candidate A represents a constituency and sits in parliament- laughable

2.      A candidate polls 20 votes, B candidate polls 21 votes. B wins. B wins with support of 21% when his rival himself garnered only 20% and remaining have rejected both or not interested in voting. So who deserves to represent the electorate A or B. hey Duffer None!

3.      Other scenarios are scary- along regional lines people vote- say Tamilnadu has voted either of DMK or ADMK to power. One wonders what good things have transpired that makes these 2 Bigwigs share the CM ship in turns. Now another offshoot PMK/ MDMK/ DMDK- quite a lot of DK's shared ideology. So does these parties get to represent people's voice as true Tamilnadu's aspirations.

The split up of vote share in Tamilnadu- as per National Elections over many years1................

1998 elections voters who exercised their franchise is 57.95%
1999 elections saw voters in poor numbers exercising their franchise 57.98%
2004 elections saw a marginal increase in turnout to 60.81%
2009 elections saw a better turnout at 72.98%; out of which AIADMK polled 22.8% of votes/ DMK polled 25% of votes/ MDMK polled 3.6%/ Communist parties 5%/ VCK polled 2.4%.

So a party which wins 18 seats from the state out of 39 gets to represent just 25% of the voters.

The highest turnout ever in TN was seen in 1967 76.59%. (1. the data was sourced from http://www.elections.tn.gov.in/LS2009TN.pdf)

The point is who gets to govern Us. A majority chosen one or Minority yet the best option one?

I consider myself an Indian first and then a Tamil. True Tamilnadu carries with it a heritage which is unrivalled and unparallelled amongst World’s civilisations. The depth of which I had begun to understand when I heard Tamil’s rich culture depicted in literature and its way of life.
So do we become so obsessed that we literally breathe in, eat in and live in Tamil? NO. Similarly being a diverse country we ought to represent diversity rather than identity. This politics of Identity driven by National neglect has engendered Tamil politicians who go to the extent of speaking about Dravidian Land or annexing Sri Lanka’s Tamil stronghold for a separate Tamil land. Yes the Dravidian politics has been shaped on those lines, but given the circumstances and time at which such passion filled thoughts were flowing.
Let’s not be shy in saying that India is seen from the Hindi heartland which by itself is a grave injustice. India’s strength lays in Plurality and not Hindi majority speakers’ views. Given such a mentality prevailing in ruling elite why had not ONE stood up and said, Hey let there be a equal value to every citizen being guaranteed under constitution of India and let all regional brothers and sisters be viewed and treated in same page.
Given this deep rooted ill will towards Hindi speaking administrators’ regional leaders where happy to fan the passions to their convenient ideology: But have these regional leaders been truthful to their stated objective of Tamil pride and Dravida nadu concept.

NO, WHY? Their kids and generations of families live a life of affluence; they have no semblance to the Spartan living of their mentors Annadurai or Periyar.

NOT ONE-All are commercial tinged in their endeavours, not one of the present Dravidian leaders not indulged in commercial activities directly or indirectly beyond their known sources of income.

NEVER- Dravidian principles never espoused leadership running in the family rather a good Thondan takes over the mantle; Today’s politics has seen closed door power transitions which have set a bad precedent even to offsprings of Dravidian movements like DMDK, MDMK, PMK and many more MK’s. ‘Power stays within’.

POOR VISION- visionaries can come from any platform be it INC or CPI or BJP or JD any............just because Jaiprakash Narayan was a Janta Dal leader can we wish away his secular and honest credentials?- Emergency movement/ Honest politics. Just because Kamaraj was a congressman, can we wish away his selfless acts of people governance?- Noon Meal scheme/ irrigation schemes. NO. Even more horrific is when we tend to deliberately sabotage the legacy of a good leader from opposite camp. This kind of politics is seen in Tamilnadu, were leaders spew poison on one another, a culture more prevalent with ascendancy of Karunanidhi/ MGR/ Jayalalitha politics.

FALSE LEGACY- one considers invoking cinema for the benefits of votes only in Tamilnadu, next in line is Andhra Pradesh. Cinema is a medium for a hard working toiling class of people to get away from day’s grind. When this was used as a potent tool to weave a web of fanciful colours and theories- people fall for the dream land. But actual land is poisoned to core. Consider the level of alcoholism now prevalent among Tamilnadu people-

1.            Agitations calling for prohibition are least attended by public because Government sponsors alcohol at cheaper price. It is Tamilnadu’s State DRINK. The alcohol has been made a best alternative to water, i have seen instances and lamentations of Government school teacher on seeing his 15 year old student taking to alcohol bunking exams, was it not for so many TASMAC shops we would not be seeing such horror happening around us. Can these Dravidian parties or National Party answer for this state of affairs?

2.           Casteism is a curse on rural folks- inter caste weddings are still opposed and couples are killed, you see fringe parties getting to support the murdered boy or siding with distraught girl, who has given them rights to hold a love to ransom; shudras are still not permitted in the temples- The ideals of Periyar under whose blessing these Dravidian parties run government with little impunity. Everybody knows but who dare ask. The order of the day means we get to eat and sleep peacefully. One questions the status quo, you get to lose your mental balance

3.            Roads and infrastructure are horribly bad, there is popular incident narrated that during DMK’s founder’s years as CM, then Minister had begun to take bribes for awarding contracts; so rampant was corruption even during Annadurai’s governance. True Annadurai was a cleanest gentleman presiding over future generation of loots. Why a corporation commissioner assigned with task of looking after the road laying works gives a reply to a petition signed by more than 100's of residents in Madhavaram 18 months back says- we have sanctioned Metro water and drainage line, one has to wait till we lay the pipes, no other option'. Electorate in anticipation of a road to be laid in future can bear the potholes. Wah what a logic these kind of bureaucrats act like this with support from their political masters. Chief Minister finds her time to open long completed roadways projects? For what and for Whom were these constructed?....................

4.           Tamilnadu can be aptly called as the Dark zone of India, where electricity is given to Industries which were asked to set up factories at subsidised rates and people paying bills are not given the daily supply. Such kind of jokes happens only in Tamilnadu. Worst still is argument; Chennai being capital city gets to have 24x7 supply while remaining towns and cities face 8 hrs shutdown. I am being a farmer run to my farm more than 125 Kms based on power shutdown schedule. So we people have become so accustomed to these vagaries of Rulers that we have automatically set our clocks to their inefficiencies. Both DMK and ADMK have found time for 24x7 power connectivity in their kith and kin homes while their die hard supporter stays in DARK swaying to TASMAC and AMMA canteen food.

Taken from TruthDive


5.     Free utilities to people from fan to stove to TV to even increased wages for 100 days scheme. Farming suffers why? No farm hands to run the farm. In the name of freeing farmers from daily drudgery(farm hands now consider working in farms more of a less dignified work) when seen from the context of 100 days eye wash work scheme, its popularly known that farm hands during drought season go to nearest work centre sign the form and get paid for un done work. What happens in between the local elected representative eats some of the cash and gives the rest. I ask the Central and State Governments to dedicate farm hands without work to improve on water resource projects, Organic farm practices and much more. Its true due to few dedicated district administrators few districts have seen tremendous work in restoration of water levels, green vegetation projects and much more................but its still POOR in seen at state level implementation. Go beyond petty un economical ideas to progressive thinking..............true one cannot make money as made in distribution wet grinders, laptops, TV’s and milch cows................
6.    Freedom of expression is in serious peril in Tamilnadu, expression of art in form of movies, Dramas, even peaceful agitations are frowned upon, at some instances outright rejected. Where is the tolerance for civil liberties?


Its never easy to find good things about Politicians, but given the kind of vendetta politics practised by Tamilnadu politicians where is the time for COMMON MAN and his PROBLEMS.

J Prabhakar

This 2014- we in Chennai have an opportunity to elect CLEAN and HONEST representatives in J Prabhakar of AAP(Aam Aadmi Party) standing for Chennai Central and Jai Ganesh of Lok Satta Party standing in Chennai South.

Jai Ganesh
J Prabhakar is popularly called as JP among his friends in social volunteering space, he is the brain behind Enangalin Sangamam- an organisation which has become a conduit for un sung heroes to join main stream volunteering and also to inspire youth to take up social volunteering. This movement has growth exponentially to attain a day in the calendar for MUST attend events for NGO's. In month of January they brainstorm, link up and execute social projects.

Jai Ganesh at 29 is one amongst the youngest Lok Sabha contestants. He represents Lok Satta party. I recall him as an enthusiastic member of Lok Satta which has progressed to take the mantle of leader. Recently Jagdhees and Jai Ganesh had embarked on a novel idea of Right To Serve campaign across Tamilnadu. This is to urge the Tamilnadu Government to implement basic services to common man in time bound manner and also be answerable to delays.

Kindly endorse such candidates and make sure your VOTE is not wasted on April

It’s a beginning and let’s latch on to it. Be there on 24th April 2014 to get your finger INKED.

At last i got my finger INKED- 24th April 2014.

At Last Tamilnadu keeps date with history records 73% turnout as was the case in 2009. Hats off Tamilnadu.


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