Peeved Supreme Court- Does it hurt That much!!!!!

Yes i was pleasantly awakened to a 'BOLD' article on Supreme court's(Vacation bench's) style of functioning and what impact it has on general Litigant's mood in TOI. Yes its Bold(True) & Beautiful(that's disputable)............................................ Let's defend BOLD First- The Sr. reporter in the eye of the storm is Dhananjay Mahapatra. The article mentions many areas of neglect which is normally not to be observed in the corridors of Country's topmost Judiciary. Consider few lapses here and there but overall why is it always considered Blasphemy to question Honble Supreme Court's Moral guardians- their Judges; GOD reserves the right to be pleaded for mercy/ pardon and anything which cleanses Human fallacies. I am no good at judicative of the point at hand, but i feel its the openness in discussing few issues like being on time to the proceedings/ if a Judge stays back late in hearing cases make provisions to delay lat...