Arundhati Roy- heavenly body on a earthy India

The below link was published in a region centric, oldschool thought & one side aligned newspaper about Jan LokPal and phenomenan Anna.
The Link below where she dwells in detail-
I would like to counter as much to my knowledge on how her argument fails to grasp the popular sentiment and her idea of corportization of even fasts
1. She belittles the idea of protesting against the evils in society- yes one needs to debate which is bigger evil- communalism, naxalism, corporate cronyism, bureaucratic excesses, unequal spread of wealth- all well said but does she have a magic wand which we are now asking Dr. Singh??????????????????. Aruna Roy, Medha Patkar, many more have taken to streets for justice why havent they been able to create a magic? Mallika Sarabhai, a danseuse and critic against Modi stood for elections why has she lost? is she corrupt? Why has people stopped voting in large numbers in Urban India when rural people throng the booths because they look for Roti Kapada Makan, how does this come when he or she pays a bribe to get a government benefit? Arundhati have you ever felt the poverty? try being poor you will Know...................................

2. She is a thinker and not a implementer let alone a leader to kindle the sagging spirits of the people

3. yes she does stand for what she means; she does not mince words; but how come Narendra Modi continues to do a good job for Gujarat and still be blamed for being bad against one community.- I would say he is no hypocrite atleast he has expressed his extreme hatred for one community. Can she deny that Gujarat has a good standard of living and Modi is the best administrator of a state with good economic developments.

4. I understand that forests/ mines/tribals/ everything is getting exploited- what does she intend to do? can we close all activities and get back to farming and gathering food in forests as our ancestors; or just produce our own food and eat. when we find technological development happening all around with better improvements in way of life, does she want to be left behind. Does getting to allow MNC into India hurt Indian businesses or do we be come more competitive. Even now we cannot make a good quality car when China and Malaysia can do a better job. Tata/ Mahindra have got the expertise does this come out on its own or capitalists throwing money into Indian firms

5. Will she deny the IT revenues from developed countries or curse the activities on the likes of Coca Cola, UTC, Pepsi, etc. let her say i do not want to source my knowledge to another country and lets not take theirs???????? we still have not perfected the art of putting man to space with brightest of brains; ok space pales in front of food; even inspite of great Indian green revolution we still have millions of people eating just 1 meal a day; whom does she blame? Narendra Modi? Naxals? Mr. Singh. These are very same people running democracy and yet they have not stopped deaths in Andhra and Maharasthra. These so called people in Parliament with powers to universalise education and RTI. What would a Anna Do?

6. She is high on her counter charge and does she realise how much money getting looted from a vendor or a truck driver every day by policeman, she still nonchalantly blames it on the system. who is system? you are system; malls will be built there is always upward movement of people's progress be it wealth/be it desires/ can you stop a man from wearing a Sherwani when he has 10000 Rupees to spend from his BPO job paying 30000. Do you want him to wear a Gandhi cap and sit for protest against Niyamgiri plundering and enforce a lockout at the company and eventually put his family on road without food and social security.

7. She has high regards for parliament, where has her regards gone when she penned her Booker prize novel when even a bystander gets to abuse child goes Scot free when law of land could not do much? Why havent we parliamentarians not able to get a decent law to prosecute a child sexual abuser/ womaniser/ wife beater/ drunken hooliganism/ late night rape saga and many more. because the parliamentarians have forgotten their duty and when they forget who reminds them, we the people. I dont care if Arvind is funded by Ford or Hyundai; at the end even he will face the music when it comes to corruption and i want that law.

8. Where are you nowadays? have you ever experienced standing in line at Passport office and getting your passport renewed- any tom dick and harry would give 10/10 for the ease of the work; but i was rejected just because i have kept the papers in order but have you been to a tout and paid 500 bucks everything in world will come to place. Try walking on a road in your avante garde attire and not getting hassled or even brazed through in Delhi and a cop not doing his duty what would you call that scenario? Human nature to pick at half dressed woman or just plain rights of men's passion.......... lets not trivialise the effort you have not been able to achieve or even dared to think of????????????

9. yes its drama out there how else will Arundhati in you counter a passionate cause like Raigad nuclear project; i know you dont need media/ nor press but how will people reach you. Media used for a better cause not the best cause or for common good is fine; sprinkling of cynics adds a vibrant colour. Of course your book did have some of it.....

10. If you still feel we have to set right nuclear/ poverty/ naxalism/ etc first then lets get doing that and try greasing the palms of MP's to pass bills on nuclear ban etc. Advani opens his mouth on US friends insisting on nuclear bill support; thats how we parliamentarians are working. Anna will be followed yes the crowd needs to be more from disadvantaged communities for equal representations but what about their Rozi roti would you be giving them.....................have you spotted one stray violence in this entire media drama as you call? Lets take the contents of the bill to the common man and make him realise why this bill is so important; if not lets discuss bills on Free television sets in tamilnadu; subsidised liquor at bars for poor hardworking labourers with insurance scheme when his guts are pushed out due to TB or free ambulance for the dead one from drunken driving and other trying to reach home safely and then get to pay a bribe to social guardian-constable for cremating a unclaimed body. What has Arundhathi achieved in not supporting this Bill????????????????


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