CSS- Meet- Independence Day Park- 16th August 2009

Date- 16th August 2009, Independence Day Park, CSS weekly meet
Chair- N Sathish Kumar, 4.00pm

1. Nalanda Updates-
  • Identify areas like slums and slum clearance board housing places for school children who have dropped out or stopped education due to financial reasons and draw up plans to bet them back to schools preferrably by next academic year
  • Sponsorship for poor deserving students- requirement for Santhiya P studying at Saidapet Government school in XI has been accepted by Pasupathi and Sangeetha, an amount of Rs. 500 towards her education
  • Another requirement for a college hostel student towards her hostel fees per month Rs 1500/-
  • A requirement for a school based in Pudhukottai has been decided to be referred any other NGO based there as it would be difficult to oversee the help at a far place.
  • A visually challenged student from MCC has a funding requirement
  • Sridhar suggests CSS members to visit his employer's CSR division with definite proposals, plan to be chalked out.
  • SWARG- an NGO exclusive workingfor students education
  • CSS wishes to thank Ms. Sindhu for being kind in sponsoring to 2 physically challenged students every month Rs. 250/-

2. Aravanaippu-

  • Jagdish has already been to slums in Mylapore and idenified 5 streets where more than 5500 people live. On discussing with the councillor they came to know that they require counselling on ill effects of tobacco products and basic hygiene among girls and pregnant ladies. The volunteers lead by Swami Sir, Jagdish and Anish will visit the are on Thrusday at 4.30pm Murali an Dr. Ashwin might join. Swami Sir plans to speak about swine flue precautions

3. VScribe-

  • VScribe is conducting Sports meet for Hearing impaired children studying at Schools
  • The event is planned on 30th August at CP Ramaswamy Foundation at Alwarpet
  • The games to be conducted are Chess and Carrom
  • Prizes to be awarded for winners with participation certificate for participants
  • there is no restriction on no. of participants
  • Parthiban will be the team lead for the event, supported by Jagdish.

4. ECG

  • 500 smses received till date from 26th July till 15th August 2009
  • Third successful week into SMS-a-SAPLING, already 300+ saplings planted across Chennai and more than 1000 Saplings distributed to CSS volunteers
  • Zones segregated and team leads for zones alloted, prominent ones- Prithvi- Adyar, Renga, Bharath- Perambur, Mylapore/Triplicane- Jagdish/ Anish, Nikesh- Tnagar
  • Tiru has been leading from the front.............................ably supported by Renga, Priya, Varshitha and Vasu

5. Gramudharan

  • Pradeep and Swami Sir have been visiting the Vayalur regularly, twice a month and monitoring the progress of the boys for cricket, they plan to hold a small tournament in Vayalur and then winners will be put to test with Chennai lads, starting September
  • Lata, Murali, Dr Ashwin were among few volunteers who have visited Vayalur this Sunday and held a meeting with the womens group, the guest of honour was Mrs. Gomathi a SHG leader in Chennai.

6. Guest of the Week

Olga from Goonj, a team exclusively looking after poor rural people including maximum usage of the discarded or reasonably good clothes, and any other articles even safety pins. They work all over India with instant support extended to disaster victims. At present collecting clothes with their major campaign starting on 23rd September till 3rd October 2009 called as 'Give India' interested people can visit www.goonj.org for details. CSS is collecting clothes on behalf of Goonj, interested people can contact Satish @98406 61732.

7. Volunteer of the Month-

We are prou to announce 'Mahesh' as the Volunteer of the Month- July 2009. For his help in gathering blood donors on anniversary Day

8. Independence Day Celebrations

  • CSS's Volunteer Sathyamoorthy had a rare priviledge of hoisting Indian Tricolor on Independence day at a function organised by Annanagar West welfare association.
  • CSS was pleased to tak part in the independence day celebrations of Gurukulam school, our warmest greetings to Capt. Nandkumar and his team of dedicated teachers at Kovalam school.


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