Tales of a Woman's Love and self determination

Woman is a beautiful creation for a man if he has his heart in his mouth and all blood rushes to the progeny organ and mind is still wondering what a creature she is??????? but apart from lascivious thoughts one does not go beyond logic to be grounded by this beautiful creation.

this is fine when a person in question is longing to just get his sperm flying into his beloved pathway not just anyone but the chosen one. he is literally smitten and bitten by the cupid bug. 

As days go by the urge peaks, but sense does prevail when the person in question stomps the foot down to say things which would definitely get the adrenaline rush gushing back into its pump.

what the love subject says is, time does come before which none gets the cake. wow what a timetable for a horse raring to break free from its old rusty stables.

now listening to this highly enlightened talk right in the foot step of Kama deva's mansion one feels like a cruel joke being played on you. 

But later better sense prevails which says life is not about eating the cake but enjoy the making and baking of cake and more about what goes to make a cake. 

Objectifying woman is not the purpose of this essay but how she becomes a subject in front of an enamored soul.

Time is the best healer of any thing to do with blood and emotions, similarly the Indian marriage customs has undergone major overhaul for 21st century making the process less cumbersome and union more lovable.

Not that we have done away with elaborate marriage ceremonies but a mutual respect to one another has made the stakes higher for the ceremony. Woman takes a centre stage with renewed vigour in asserting her right to determination and not a mere man's love interest. 

I did come across such strong women who at the same time say would share the love in equal vigour with her man. 

The context is marriage and married life thereafter.

Such strong personalities define the relationship and take that a step further, i recently had a chat with a much respected woman in my life.

Lovingly addressed as Akka or Elder Sister or GodMother. Akka 1 in this context says she had spent her best part of her life cooped up her in laws place doing things from A to Z, and her man or Anna aka Brother had not asked her what she wanted in her life. Now after crossing middle age she feels a woman must assert her right to live rather than sit and brood over bygone years. Her energy now and anna's support testifies her belief about being herself now even when it's a tad late in life. i was surprised when i hear her costumes at home were dictated by her in laws in unwritten terms. but now with her mother in law bedridden and time amply available she is exploring life to her satisfaction. She is flowering creatively which is drawing admiration from near and far ones. In process this skill is earning her respect and economic independence. recently her mother in law passed away giving akka the much needed time to dedicate to her first love her daughter and then her crafts.

The second akka is a senior woman who had got into marriage as time and tradition has demanded and being a bright student from early days continued to earn the living by exploring enterprising side of her knowledge. Anna is a simple man whose quality of not saying NO has helped akka explore the trade. Her continued flourish has given her some qualities which make her a determined and committed to any cause she undertakes. Her life took a turn to worst when her elder son met with an accident and she went into a freefall into pit of sorrow. Spiritual sojourn got her back to her feet and her new found friends have given her the strength to fill her vacuum. Even now i find how soft spoken women can be assertive in their rights and also acknowledge their better half's contribution in their journey without much tom toming. 

The next woman i love and to some extent take liberty at reprimanding is my Mother. She is like any woman carefree in her teens not much bothering about who does what in a day merrily rollicking around and went to school as time pass; suddenly pushed into marriage like a lioness being paraded before a majestic lion......hehehe actually lion in reality goes around sniffing the air for pheromones and only if lioness allows it approaches........and in this case match was fixed. Young, language and culture different she had to get resigned for a very long haul. She is NOT symbol of Tyag but her endurance was as any woman's in a large joint family, vagaries of Indian family system. i have seen her from close quarters and still sends chill through me seeing her sulk and shed tears silently. but those are the days behind, she put up with my busy Dad, sulking inlaws, and other baggage the big families presented and at last as in many families a bedridden old tree. Now she enjoys a retirement well deserved and i admire her how she chose a stranger and continues to ride with her better half blissfully without a complaint if not for occasional spats which throw out the lava within;though now it sounds more like a two old buddies fighting our lost bet many decades ago hehhehe.........she is strong now who stood by me for the woman whom i wanted to share rest of my life and also supported by green obsession- organic farming. 

The next scenario has been my better half who will come across as a woman who did not give a damn to social norms on few oft debated topics like dress code, woman's appearance with respect to her is not to be be judged but one's comfort and her ability to adapt to a new environment is remarkable. From a comfortable life with routine undisturbed to now bumping into new people and new challenges has made her a endearing figure in my life. even though the journey has just started looking forward to countless years ahead. Yes fights will be there as we are not robots and there is always jealousy, pride, ego, lust all bundled into a ball and thrown at each other. The instance when she says she errs and its ,my duty to hug her tight and shake her off her stupor to say come back to earth i am there and just relax makes her feel at home. similarly my sky high EGO has to crumble to pieces before her. The journey is two years old and whenever i feel like my shackle is becoming unchained there she is making it taut. I realise Man is so much haughty that he cuts a sorry figure, not meant to include every man on Planet but our mooch and testosterone give us that high pedestal look, which never helps to win woman sensibly. I am washing off my accumulated knowledge slowly to experience a new chapter in my life which i want to go forward with same zest and measure as hers. When she chooses to come to a NEW world alien to her comfort zone, i realised the need to protect and make her feel at home and same time balance the need to be Daughter at this NEW place too. She continues to puzzle me because of my thrash INSIDE; this trash comes in way in daily interactions with her, thrash comes from everywhere News/TV/people/surroundings/Movies and what not.............now i realise more than puzzle it's OPEN outlook of the society which i should adopt or embrace and this THRASH melts away. thinking too much and wasting time drawing plans when things bound to happen will happen; nevertheless put the foot forward to make things happen.......other quality which she breathes is; preserve your identity and never let go of your PASSION. I am fortunate to have someone who has given her full weight to my dream and nudges me forward which i felt wanting from my loved ones due to various societal and personal commitments.

Woman can make and break families and fate of nation too. The power is omnipotent which she rarely exercises over larger issues. I would like to recall few sterling personalities who have stirred my deep respect for women like Krishnammal Jaganathan, Sai Lakshmi popularly Dr. Sai as she is a physician her oft mentioned words Panalam ya, and many more.


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