To be Tolerant is to walk with Intolerant

Whatz wrong with our ruling dispensation? Modi's swagger to outside world about Tolerance, brotherhood and amity does not seem to percolate into its ruling ranks.

Ok Khans have this once in blue Moon enlightened moments when they open up to a dil ki Baat, whatz wrong. These entertainers have worked their way up through sheer hard work in terms of talent and perseverance without much lineage baggage hence ought to take a call on today's state of affairs, similarly the opposing camp to Khan's thoughts Khers and Rawals. So who's Right. and Who's Wrong?

The heroes of Against Camp are not ordinary heroes running behind heroines/ bad example to their fans or being a tamasha to idol worshipping followers, the above 2 Khans have taken meaningful roles in their cinemas for wider audience and for that matter even the FOR camps kher and rawal, hence the duel is interesting from cine artists perspective.

Image courtesy- Wikipedia

Everyone is Right and Wrong, Right if we support one camp and wrong if we do not support the other camp.

Camps as it has been defined now in clear terms, media and fence sitters have begun to colour this fight as For and Against Teams. Actually Against team is clear because the terms of engagement is clear-

  • walk the talk- you(Govt. of India) promised development and peaceful co-existence with communities at large
  • Corruption and general improvement in quality of life when compared to previous disastrous regime
  • Free expression of thought which is enshrined in constitution must be adhered to with life which previous regime turned out to be DUD

These terms of engagement hold good, only until Against camp is devoid of any political colours.

So I consider these to be reasonable: and what harm in airing these views at a time when Government is sitting pretty with majority and can easily effect certain soothing decisions and policies. But that does not seem to happen and continuing lip service with polished talking by Jaitley, Rajnath and many more is pushing matters to knots.

image courtesy- wikepedia

The FOR team run by political flag bearers must be more magnanimous as they are under direct patronage of the rulers of the day. Their point of hysteria or even counter rally is uncalled for. I ask a simple question why are an array spokespersons rallying to make a point when one of Khans open up for Dil Ki Baat?

You yourself talk of tolerance and yet cannot stand a simple Dil Ki Baat. Yes you can talk back but understand more than talking back talk in terms of measures taken by you and your Government against Intolerance. Do not harp of previous regime because that regime was taught a lesson in 2014. You as a governance have a responsibility to address concerns but you have taken the role of Intolerance YOURSELF. try to bully people who do Dil Ki Baat.

Anupam Kher put up a troupe for representation Against return of Padma awards that is reasonable to extent that he is trying to show that not all subscribe to opposite view, while a elected MP Paresh Rawal begins to question the Dil Ki Baat of an artist's grouse.

Paresh must understand that he as a responsible legislator look at his government's actual performance as an impartial arbiter to communal and social sensitive issues.

Seriously Paresh loses plot without even attempting to look what's transpiring around him. Could he answer the Blackening of Kulkarni's face, could he justify lynching in Haryana, Uttar Pradesh or for that matter heckling a renowned Pakistani Ghazal singer- now comes a bummer he himself artist stays numb? For that matter has he even thought of mediocre behavior of censor board chief? Its a different matter if you proclaim yourself as a devout Hindu sevak of India and anything to do with Pakistan or NON-Hindu is off your menu.............

Paresh now does not represent the ruling dispensation but heads a Fringe himself when you exhibit Tolerance to all the above dirty acts.

The for camp is further divided into a Hindu camp and other 'WearenotasBadasUPA'camp. Still this FOR camp has not stood as a Government of India Camp.

This FOR camp is missing in action, todays' Smriti Irani' statement was well meant nothing beyond, do not paint everyone Pakistani especially Devout Muslim Indians- you will only alienate and prick your own eyes.

All the talking Modi does on world platform will come to ZERO with FOR team like you.

Once and for all STOP comparing with crony UPA, you are not hence work on integrating India and not Caste Bank politics which you guys are beginning to feed ON. With IS threat on horizon STOP being INTOLERANT to our FELLOW BRETHERN.




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