To be Tolerant is to walk with Intolerant

Whatz wrong with our ruling dispensation? Modi's swagger to outside world about Tolerance, brotherhood and amity does not seem to percolate into its ruling ranks. Ok Khans have this once in blue Moon enlightened moments when they open up to a dil ki Baat, whatz wrong. These entertainers have worked their way up through sheer hard work in terms of talent and perseverance without much lineage baggage hence ought to take a call on today's state of affairs, similarly the opposing camp to Khan's thoughts Khers and Rawals. So who's Right. and Who's Wrong? The heroes of Against Camp are not ordinary heroes running behind heroines/ bad example to their fans or being a tamasha to idol worshipping followers, the above 2 Khans have taken meaningful roles in their cinemas for wider audience and for that matter even the FOR camps kher and rawal, hence the duel is interesting from cine artists perspective. Image courtesy- Wikipedia Everyone is Right and Wrong, Rig...