Serious Weirdos do make us situp- Tamas Tamas Thaan

1. Wow what a fortnight it was in great Indian Tamasa............................cannot get any bit crazier than this................first and foremost the tirade of Dramatist and art person Girish Karnad against Nobel Laureates in general................VS Naipaul and Rabindranath Tagore. Both have basked and one lives to shine in its gleam. But the time looks dubious for a character like Girishji. I would like to congratulate Girishji just for his plain frankness which no one did till date dared about Tagore's works. I wonder if Mamta was fast dozing when Girishji's words where splashed all over print media- rather cold shoulder from busy bee Mamta; May be Mamta mistook for Rabindranath for Bangla poet?

 It perplexes me when great poet and revolutionary thinker like Subramanya Bharathi had approved of the depth of Gitanjali, Tagore's work in his own words why is Girishji fuming?

Guess everyone feels a black spot in a spotless cream kurta afterall we are humans..............................

2. All said and done; Jayalalitha chose to 'IMPOSE' Solar policy on people rather than take people along. her regimes have always been IMPOSE THEN DISPOSE. One such good policy is RainWaterHarvesting system- at one point homes built were denied certificates unless and until RWH structure was completed. In hindsight looks very much need of hour but how will she be able to stem the growing despondency among business communities on power scenario. She has no clue what will happen to small and medium scale enterprises facing hours to end power shutdown. One of my friends quipped, ' How would a entrepreneur pay his men or staff when power is shutdown indefinitely in a day?, would he pay them hourly basis or based on total output'? 

This Government of Jayalalitha is embarking on a dangerous path of resentment and anger towards seriously mis aligned policies- Chennai enjoys the liberty of 2 hours shutdown per day with Chennaiitte like me able to air opinions on internet at leisure and housewives chuckle and sob over mega soaps of satellite channels while Non-Chennaitte is sitting in darkness where lies the Justice and equality? Drought and debt had led farmers commit suicide in Vidarbha and Andhra Pradesh; beware this power crisis can break the backbone of a small entrepreneur like me........................

3. Roads are no where to being re-laid; forget relaying not even a cursory effort to fill in the potholes in Chennai. Now comes garbage news- we continue to dump garbage on poor neighborhoods like Kodunguiyur; but change of heart lets dump on poor farmer. 4 anointed  towns for this Chennai's rubbish. Truly a grave injustice to people living outside Chennai. Organic decomposition is a viable alternative; Effective Microorganisms technology was given trial run by enterprising Bureaucrats in Coimbatore and Chennai many years ago; if not for greedy politicians and other spineless babus the project died a natural death. Land is precious in India and let there be sense in using those of zealous Humans needs.

4. Tamilnadu politicos have been the most travelled leaders overseas in years to come; more so because they take pleasure in seeking publicity even Laloo would have not dreamt of. Narendra Modi and Nitish Kumar have spent their genuine effort in showcasing the perceived growth in their state's standard of living while Tamil Politicians take great sophistication and expensive 'PAIN' in projecting their mettle. No one is bothered of dying people from dengue/ poorly maintained Pre & Post Natal wards of Government Hospitals or even the looming power crisis.

You find Stalin and Baluu shamelessly representing Srilankan Tamil people's cause in NewYork  when they have no idea how many people died in their constituency of Dengue or road accidents or even a basic facility for their electorate. One who does not take care of his own people can never do justice for people of other country. Has Baluu or Stalin taken an inch when compared to 100 of miles of effort taken by Aung Sung Suu Kyii, This gentle lady has sacrificed her meager pleasures for her love of her people and democracy.

What have you two leaders done to earn much pride you display in wall posters all over Chennai; representing Tamil Eelam cause?  Tamil Eelam is rightly represented by many selfless leaders but not YOU. Entangled in countless corruption cases/ Greediness beyond one's hold and no morality is public life. Your efforts are all a sham which does not even smell of 1% sincerity.


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