India- Glowing ya Burning???????

I had penned this in 2007; much river has flown and my HATE quotient on present day state of affairs in India is HIGH.
India in 21st century- the path it chooses is history in reckoning
It’s been some time since I made up my mind to pen an article about my favorite subject, ‘India’. It’s always a gigantic effort on one’s part to encompass a mighty giant in one article. Looking at the pace at which Indian economy is growing which is a commendable 9.2% at the end of second quarter 2006-2007 and its purchasing power parity is fourth largest in the world[1]. It’s got a lot of dressing up to be done for the final round of the world pageant; i.e. to be crowned the economic and social superpower.

Politically India is on sound footing where its electoral system is unmatchable even with US’s flawed voting system as highlighted during Bush’s presidency polls. Taking this as a step stone the bold initiatives of election commission is highly critical as it oversees an important exercise in democracy. Even though the widespread criminalization and money power has proved to be a damper nevertheless the small voice towards accountability and moral conscience is gathering pace and may influence the largely educated masses to rebellion to change. One of the first signs of change was the enactment of RTI act 2006. The present day politics looks much more urbane and humane than few years ago when open dissention and dynastic aspirations were order of the day. With rising income and increasing number of people into the mainstream it puts the onus on the government to be accountable for this new found voice. India’s electoral population may sound like entire Europe’s population put together but only half the people care or bother to exercise their franchise clearly pointing towards a sense of disenchantment with the political parties rather than the system. But this new India would see them rising from their slumber and getting their index finger dyed for seeing their voice to be heard. So there is one good reason for netas and babus to take note next time they are hitting their campaign trail seeking votes in their white and whites.

This clearly shows how important its people’s voice is for a democracy which was tested and won in 1947, 1977 and still keeps winning. So their happiness is foremost priority in any institutions smooth running. With economy moving at break neck speed even on the half cemented dug potholes there is a growing benign tumor which if not treated soon would turn into an incurable malignancy. This may sound prophetic, but truth is explained below.

Given the state of economy balance with services garnering nearly 54% of the share of economic dependence of the employed population and agriculture taking a distant third, knowledge is the go word for most youth and future of India. Taken this as a defining factor of new India, would a set of community or people tolerate or put up with shoddy or slack attitude shown by today’s polity? Why is there resentment, brewing anger towards a stable government and prospering economy? Why are there still hunger, disappointment and outrage towards established system?

These above doubts are not out of ordinary or totally worthless or a speck of minor issues but definitive queries to be resolved for India to peek into developed world. I presume these are certainly not issues of concern for any developed country or other developing nations. The issue is truly serious enough that requires urgent introspection.

India is a land of hundred gods and hundred politics. Even if gods come together it’s highly unlikely politicians breaking bread together. The issue of identity and self preservation has always been driven hard by man/woman from prehistoric time but this looks more ominous in today’s highly multicultural society.
  • India is home to second largest Muslim population in the world and still instances of communal violence and hatred keep surfacing instigated at the behest of politics
  • Unresolved Kashmir dispute is putting a strain on resources if the crisis were resolved Kashmiri youths could have contributed to Indian economy in many spheres but still continues to bleed.
  • Next the issue of integration of different sections of community into mainstream as evident with north eastern crisis, after clueless Chinese decent people's integration with India still the issue continues to impede normalization of everyday life with instances of abduction, killings and destruction of public property through arson. The dragging negotiation between the centre and the separatist groups is taking toll on the youth and the people. Manorama Devi killing’s and other individual cases highlight the growing pressure.

 India’s founding fathers were restricted to task of consolidation and passing a nation of unity and singular identity, but today’s politicians or leaders lack that will and perspective and in the process are squandering away the legacy passed on by illustrious elders.

The present crisis in north east sounds pretty much international issue to any mainland citizen. Why is this so?

The certain lack of vision on the part of the government when the north eastern states are located strategically with international neighbors and the need to develop one’s resources to involve in potential free trade and other commercial agreements. If the centre continues to turn blind eye to ethnic population’s demand and their concern it wouldn’t be long when a civil conflict would rise with new born leaders proclaiming themselves as martyrs and freedom becomes a daily slogan. At present the separatist groups are actively inciting anti-Indian sentiments in highly fragile youth thereby sowing seeds of hatred and to further add to this complexity India has to contend with the threat of foreign mercenaries hand like Pakistan backed militant organizations who have seized the opportunity to exploit the weakness. Its time to tell everyone that; be it Nagas or Kukis or Assamese all are Indians.

This disease of self identity is inborn with people from Indian subcontinent. This is because of their under representation or neglect from the authorities. It’s a trait which goes like this; ‘Given a flag of any color and a small crowd, a fluent speaker could organize a party out of nothing’. India with such a huge population of different stakeholders is a pie ready to be sliced through middle. The present demarcation of states on linguistic lines was a sensible idea to keep people of same tongue together but as times pass by the identity is getting blurred and reasons for being recognized is getting diluted.

The case of Telangana separatist movement is an issue of utter neglect of a geographical area. This is case with newly carved out states and other separatist calls like Vidharbha. Its highly illogical to think splitting a state of one identity into another sub entity. This self defeating logic sets a dangerous precedent of other disadvantaged people calling for such extraordinary privileges when they are entitled for equal rights under the constitution. These down trodden and disadvantaged people present an ideal opportunity for a shrewd and opportunistic leader or person to exploit their struggle into a political movement and turn into a nationalistic color. If this wasn’t the case India wouldn’t have parties of all colors and hues from religion to language to sex to place of origin and even named after living and dead personalities. India may represent a case of republic’s republic. Jharkand and Chattisgarh were carved out to give their local people the identity and chance for development what guarantees these newly carved states development and prosperity? when its own people who championed their causes are languishing in jails and bungalows when their people are still foraging forests for ends meal.

The other area of great internal dispute is resources it’s a classic case of brothers and sisters fighting amongst themselves staying under one roof never realizing that the more they rock the boat the more the chances of sinking. What stops one state from realizing that quarrelling with another state for sharing river water and border towns doesn’t address the underlying issue of all sons of same soil? At one point I feel let down to even trace back my nativity because of so much regional jingoism where everyone loses the national identity and holds on to his regional tag. The new wave of popularizing regional languages as medium of communication is highly disturbing. What holds for such initiatives for a global economy? does knowing Kannada or Tamil or Hindi guarantee one a job at Toyota or Microsoft or at least running a pawn shop in Bihar. One doesn’t fault the enthusiasm in learning the mother tongue but enforcing it is highly ridiculous and opportunistic. If one needs more job opportunities, investment, development do so with open mind if not take the path taken by Japan or Germany developing their own culture, language and knowledge. But that would defeat India’s own existence where its strength lies in diversity and multiculturalism. Be proud of your identity but never presume world from your myopic view.

Continuing with my critical perspective of Indian contradictions, Tamil is a touchy issue for me. Because of strange dynamics of Indian subcontinent there are many instances of cultural and religion’s parallel being seen around the world like sizeable Tamil speaking natives in Malaysia, Singapore, Srilanka, etc. Does this in any way mean they ought to get back to India or all Tamil speaking people ought to live under one banner? The concept of separate Tamil land advocated by LTTE and that being supported by few Tamil politicians is highly dangerous and must be discouraged with strong conviction. Such type of ideas must be debated in open and should not be taken as a people’s voice as it only reflects an individual’s ideologue. No individual represents entire nation rather he represents a majority’s view.

Taking above issues India’s stakes are much higher now than ever before. Would it risk being split on above lines or look forward to a bright future of prosperity and peace and overall development. It's right time for India to enact some legislation to bound its warring personalities into a single fold before it’s too late to salvage its legacy. Who knows what future holds for India I would certainly not like to be in a country called Tamildesam or hindidesh or kukiland. Its in our hands to keep this wonderful nation bound together and next time if you see a friend from Bihar working in a shop in Chennai greet him rather than curse him for taking the job.

[1] Source- viewed on 23-12-06.


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