CSS August Meet MoM- 2010

Wishing you all 63rd Anniversary Independence Day celebrations to all volunteers
Brief idea on CSS discussions
we also wished Vimal's Father smooth and quick recovery from his illness
  1. CSS has taken part in Yathra's Independence Day celebrations for kids from Orphanages, more than 300 children took part; CSS contributed Cake and drinks by Vimal for the event held at Leo Matriculation in AnnaNagar. Yathra is a team of volunteers who have passed out from Leo Matriculation school. The event was held on 14th August. we also celebrated birthday for children celebrating in the month of August
  2. Continuing with Independence Day Celebrations Vasu, Venkat, Sangeetha, Tiru, Jeetu and Sathya Sir had taken part in Independence day celebrations at Govt. High School Vadamanipakkam, Kanchipuram. Acceding to principal's request we distributed 130 numbers of 10th Std question banks for last 5 years. These books will be used to train 10th Std students for board exams. Anand had contributed from his friends circle and also from CSS members an amount of Rs9,600. All the best for the students.
  3. Next Independence Day engagement was at Vayalur village High School till 8th Std. The school has requested for some basic support for running their system. CSS was represented by Nagappan, Jagdish and Satish. The event was a colourful affair with few variety programs by children. The school immediately requires a classroom to accomodate class 6th children as they do not have a classroom, support in form of computers for enabling access to more school children
  4. Month end birthday celebrations to held on 29th August at Arunai Illam near Govt. Eye Hospital, Egmore. The home has around 40 children and their needs are basic day to day things. The event begins at 11.00am and ends at 5.30pm
  5. Udhavum Ullangal is a charitable trust is requiring talented artists and amateur artists to perform at their quarterly celebrations at Tambaram Sanatorium Hospital for HIV affected adults. Few talented CSS volunteers have come froward for their performance scheduled for 29th August at 2.00pm at Tambaram Sanatorium premises. More volunteers are requested to give their names. The requirements are many and they need Lungis/ Nighties/ soaps/ talcuum powders/ comb/ small mirros etc......................all these things will be handed by our volunteers personally and not through any attendant so all are requested to be calm and patience personified in handling the delicate freinds......................afterall they are living to be loved by us................................
  6. VScribe- plans for differently abled sports meet but dates have not been finalised and audio library has to wait from some more days due to some technical issues with respect to copyrights
  7. Ramakrishna Mutt and CSS plan to take Leprosy awareness and compassion towards the cured people through school and college interactions- Jagdish and Siva Sir are planning the presentation module while Dr. Sai shall arrange for an Doctor to interact with children. Swaminathan Sir is working on a short film on Leprosy and to be screened soon before the public. Plans are also afoot to invlove the health department and get their nod for this project proposal
  8. ICH cleaning with Ekam is getting shaped for a cleanliness drive at Egmore premises with intrested org.
  9. Hubert's Shabnam Resources has touched upon a unique idea of adopting kids from disadvantaged sections and begin a thorough mentoring process, details on anvil and Sangeetha and Charu to help the process as this pertains to a childs education and well being
  10. Tree Bank- Mullaivanam- has sought CSS support for his green Chennai activities through our dedicated volunteers, Tiru shall work out the modalities. Tiru has finalised the zones for sapling distribution and shall take the activities from next week.
  11. Blood requests to focus on college NCC and NSS and also on specific blood group database

Todays new volunteers- S. Vignesh and D. John Britto of Loyola College- Welcome to CSS


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