Colours AND Sights of Rajasthan

It was decided that we shall explore with minimum comfort levels as would a wandering couple would indulge in explorations; alas we booked BhagatKiKoti Train from Mannargudi and were happy to spot a bio toilet and regular cleaning of compartments all the way till Jaipur. Seriously getting Biotiolets and regularly cleaned coaches is no big deal if presumed; trains enroute from Jaipur to other Rajasthan cities did not fare even to minimum standards of hygiene let alone broken toilet window glass left comfortably on the side of commode. So Bhagat Ki Koti looked like simple luxury. So after boarding BhagatKiKoti in the pink of winter (not having foreseen how cold North India would be) we felt pleasant and bewildered by our Northern counterparts Travel manners. I am to myself in disposition and not a guy to concede a inch beyond given to me or booked by me. Northern cousins would blissfully pack little remaining space with their luggage and also pack their journey loaded with...