CSS- Monthly Meet- MoM- 7th Feb 2010
7th February Monthly Meet- 2010- Independence Day Park- 4.00pm Highlights- 1. Nalanda - Sangeetha has started off her classes for 20 students in Mathematics at Saidapet Government School- Mon/Wed/ Fri- 3.00-4.00pm REQ- volunteers willing to take classes for XI and XII Std students in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics contact or mail to sangeetha. Possibility of supporting tutors through reimbursement of expenses contact BC college Hostel students for volunteering 2. ECG- SMS-a-SAPLNG- done for Rainbow Warriors of Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan school- a novel initiative of the school students of primary standard with help from their parents and teachers- last 2 weeks saplings have been distributed to school students on sundays/saturdays 3. FEB 14th- CSS Road Show- proposal to run a road show at Besant Nagar beach on lines of Raja issuing a letter seeking people's support in making road travel less dangerous and obeying the rules. The permission letters will be handed over to ...